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CATIM eBoletim

ABRIL 2023 | EDIÇÃO 12

Energy Transition & Industry Decarbonization – one of the most important challenges of this century

Apostar numa política de incentivo e incremento das atividades de I&D e Inovação, envolvendo parceiros estratégicos

When we talk about the great challenges facing humanity, in a finite world whose population is increasing rapidly, the energy transition and the decarbonization of the economy emerge as one of the unavoidable topics, demanding a profound transformation of our relationship with energy, influenced by the options in terms of sources of energy. primary energy, its transformation, storage, transport, marketing, sharing and use.

In this context, the industry has a high potential for the introduction of improvements in terms of environmental, energy and material performance, thus contributing to a carbon neutral economy. However, this evolution requires joint action in several strategic areas, with priority being given to energy efficiency, the diversification of energy sources and vectors, the reinforcement of electrification, the modernization of infrastructures, the reconfiguration of processes and commitment to the digital transition.

Leading the energy transition implies a paradigm shift in the entire system and an unequivocal commitment to investment in renewable production, which should more than double its installed capacity in the next decade.

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